Hip, hip, hooray for short work weeks! That is how I feel on this, otherwise sunny, fall Monday morning. Nothing wrong with today, but I hate Mondays. And even more than Mondays, I hate Sunday nights…because it’s just a quarter of a day that you spend DREADING the coming morning. For me, anyway! The flurry of activity that makes up Sundays in our house; cleaning, cooking, LAUNDRY, grocery shopping………it always leaves me feeling exhausted. I’m sure I’m not the only person that feels this way, so I’ll quit complaining!
This week, Travis and I both have Friday off! We’ve planned a mini get-away before baby arrives……please, save your laughter. This ain’t no FANCY BABYMOON or anything! Trust me, as much as I’d love to head to some tropical locale, lay on the beach, soak up the rays (I’m salivating at the thought)……I’d much rather do all of the above when I’m not looking like a pale beached whale. I mean, really, how fun can it be to go on an all-inclusive vacation when all you have to look forward to is sipping ice water in your tankini and BEDTIME?! No thanks! I’ll save my money for a glorious trip next year, just me and the hubs, when I can actually reach my legs well enough to shave them!! Soooooooo, our destination is Ely! A return to where we got engaged, a bit of hiking and sight-seeing, relaxing, sleeping in (that’s about 8:30am for me) and even sillier, a trip to the local movie theater! Sad, but true, we have not been to the theater to see a movie since before Marley was born. I’m telling you, it really is the SMALL joys that get me excited these days! Hehe! I think Travis is just looking forward to the fact that I’ll be forced to make it through the entire movie, vs. pulling my usual routine, asleep 30 minutes in, whenever we watch movies at home! In any case, the trip is going to be just what we need……I love doing outdoorsy things, and the fall colors should be beautiful! It will be nice to get some fresh air and have a chance to hang out with Travis! Life has been crazy-busy lately and it’s time to slow down!
Other quick updates……I DID pass my 3 hour glucose test! And Marley had a blast in her new swimming class at the YMCA on Saturday! She was all giggles in the pool with Travis and the other kiddos!
Happy Monday! Here’s to hoping your week zooms by!!