Sunday, January 22, 2012

Tardy for the Party....

Yep...I'm waaaaaaaaay late in posting something, anything really, on the blog about the birth of our son!  And it's not because he's second best.  And it's not because I'm lazy.  It's truly because I haven't had a more than a few minutes to myself in the last six weeks.  Squeezing a shower in each day is a major accomplishment and I know all you mamas out there can relate.

As you all know, we welcomed Jax Thomas Severson into the world on December 6th, 2011.  He was born via c-section at 12:58pm, weighing 9lb 6oz, and measuring 21in.  What a BIG boy!!  Previously, I had written about my WISH to VBAC (to deliver vaginally and not have a repeat cesarean)...and obviously this didn't happen.  The story goes something like this:

I went to my doctor appointment on Monday, December 5th.  I was 41 weeks, 3 days pregnant.  Travis and I had decided that if I wasn't progressing, we would ask Dr. Jenkins to schedule a repeat c-section.  I had an ultrasound that day and also a non-stress test.  The ultrasound showed us that we had a big baby boy, that he was practicing his breathing skills, head down, ready to go.  The amniotic water was cloudy with vernix, much different than how the water looked early in pregnancy.  Our ultrasound tech noted that he was SO READY to come out, but she also pointed out that my cervix was not dilating at all.  The non-stress test was uneventful.  Baby was doing just fine and Dr. Jenkins told me she would let me stay pregnant for 1 more week if I wanted to stick to my guns and attempt a VBAC, though she did point out that he was already a big boy, and since my cervix wasn't doing anything, we could certainly end up in the operating room a week from now regardless.  I was uncomfortable and ready to meet the little guy, so I asked Dr. Jenkins if we could just schedule it...the thought of being pregnant past 42 weeks was making me sick.  And so that is what happened.  The next morning we woke up, had breakfast with our little miss (well, not me...I had to fast), dropped her off at daycare, and headed to the hospital.

It was easier this time around because we knew what to expect with the whole c-section process.  We checked in at St. Francis at 10am, where we were able to situate ourselves in our room that we would "live" in for the next 3 days.  At about noon, I was whisked away to the c-section suite (yes, at St. Francis they have an operating room on the same floor as the birthing suites...awesome).  I was prepped for surgery, where I had a minor freak out because the anesthesiologist, while attempting to numb me, sent a shooting pain down my back and then when I jumped, he replied, "Well, I'm not perfect!"  OMG!  You damn well better get this "perfect" because I don't want to be feeling this operation that is about to happen.  

Everything else was smooth sailing...and no, I didn't feel it!  We made bets in regards to how much baby would weigh.  Dr. Jenkins thought he'd weigh around 7lb, Travis thought he'd weigh 8lb 6oz, and I thought he'd weigh 9lb 3oz.  They struggled to get his shoulders out as they were situated at a weird angle in my pelvis.  Within 10 minutes, I heard that beautiful sound........a baby crying!!!  Ahhhh!!!  And Jax was lifted over the surgical drape so that I could see him and it was pure heaven!  Sweet, crying baby boy!  All 9lb 6oz of him!!  I was able to cuddle him immediately, and instead of Travis being swept out of the room with baby, they were allowed to stay sitting next to me, so that I could hold him and see him while I was stitched up.  It was a great experience when compared to my first c-section, and I'm very happy with how it all went........not dwelling on what could have been because the outcome, delivering a healthy baby, was achieved and that is all I ever prayed for!!

And so here we are, 6 weeks later.  Jax is a sweetheart...cranky at times, maybe a bit colicky (like his sister was), but smiley as can be and a breastfeeding monster!  We all love him to pieces and Marley is finally starting to adjust.  I'd be lying if I said it was all rainbows and unicorns in our house though.  The adjustment period, which were are still in the thick of, has been a struggle.  It's hard because we're all sooooo tired, we feel like we're just squeaking through our days, trying to tag team the kids, dealing with Marley's terrible 2's (can a 2 year old have A.D.D.?????), potty training, cluster feeding, cold/flu season, Christmas............the list goes on.  There have been moments when I retreat to an empty room and cry because I just think, how can I get through's that hard.  I don't think, as a mom, that I'm alone in feeling that way.  I know this phase of our lives will pass, that things will get better, that everyone is growing and learning and adjusting...but it doesn't make the "hard stuff" any less hard.  And don't get me wrong, I love, capital LOVE, my kiddos to death!  It's just that this going from 1 to 2 kids stuff has been challenging, and maybe a lot of that has to do with Marley's age at the time Jax was born.  Being 2 is hard.  Lots of stuff going on with her, and throw a new brother in the mix......girl is going crazy!  And being naughty.  She can be a bruiser and a bully, and a "throw my food on the floor" master, and more recently, an "I am going to dig the poop out of my diaper with my bare hand everyday" girl, and sometimes that makes me sad, because I want her to be my sweet little girl.  And this stage too, shall pass.  I know.  Trav and I have those moments where we pass by each other, me feeding baby on the couch, him chasing after Marley as she literally tears the house apart, and we look at each other like, holy crap...what did we get ourselves into.  Ha!  Someday, we will have a date night again...someday, we'll be able to watch a movie at night while both kids sleep...someday, we'll be able to just sit, if even for just a moment.  

With all that being said, life is good.  We have two healthy, beautiful babies.  They are our world and we wouldn't change that for anything.  I'm sure these are the years that we'll really remember, the ones that pass so fast that if you blink, you'll miss something.  So, we're soaking it all up, loving our babies like there is no tomorrow, and praying for a date night (SOON)!!!!

Here's to a happy, healthy, wonderful 2012!!!