Wednesday, February 1, 2012

meet jax

Kind of hard to say what he will be like "when he grows up", much less to imagine how his personality will take shape over the next year.  One thing is for sure, he is TOTALLY SWEET!!!

Back into the world of's crazy how easily you forget what it's like to have a teeny one in the house.  A few things stand out in particular:

1.  Diapers.  Seriously.  I forgot that infants sometimes go through 10-12 diapers a day!  Wow!

2.  Clothes.  Itsy bitsy clothes.  And putting them on a squirming, lotioned up baby has to be my LEAST FAVORITE thing in the world.  Jax hates getting dressed!

3.  Blow-outs.  Not the "I just straightened my hair" kind.

4.  Backaches.  The constant holding/bopping a baby takes a toll.  Must bust out the yoga DVD's to remedy this!

5.  Nail clipping.  Again, seriously, this is another one of my least favorite things!  I've tried filing, and it just is not quite as effective.  I haven't cut him yet, so I guess I'm doing ok!

Sometimes I feel like we are running out of space for all the "stuff" that comes along with toddlers and babies.  Just as we had the baby gear stowed away, out it comes.  Our house has been invaded by bottles and frozen breastmilk and diapers and butt cream and those nose-sucky things (I DON'T even know the real name for it).  I knew I was back into the swing of this baby stuff when, once again, I started finding breast pads stuck under pillows or in the sheets of our bed.  Gross, yes......but whatever.  If you've nursed at night, in your bed, half asleep, you know what I mean.  Those things have a way of running off!  This morning I had 2 on one side and 1 on the other.  Not quite sure where I got the 3rd one from.  Must have been stuck in the covers!  Ha!  The good life, I'm telling you!

Those people that tell you to "sleep when baby sleeps"...pssshhhh.  In an ideal world, that would be oh-so-nice!  But really.  Is someone going to send a fairy over to my house to do a few loads of laundry, unload the dishwasher, prep dinner???  Having said fairy would be the only way that I could "sleep when baby sleeps".  Without her, my house would fall into complete disarray while we slept the day away!  This is the one thing that I panic about the MOST.  Returning to work in 2 1/2 weeks (soooooo sad), and hoping that I can juggle two kids, work, and such, while maintaining some sort of healthy meal plan for dinnertime and keeping my house sort of clean..........yes, I'm lowering my standards once again, from OCD clean, to really clean, to now sort of clean.  That will have to do for now.  I don't have the energy, nor will I have the time, to accomplish anything better.  

Back to Jax, my sweet baby boy!  Oh, I love him so much, I can't even explain!  He's super smiley, a bit colicky at night (witching hour perhaps), a very good eater, and just a precious little man.  Marley and Jax are getting along a lot better these days.  She must know that he's not going anywhere!  We don't have any sort of schedule quite yet, but Jax sleeps pretty good at night.  Not long stretches, but he'll sleep 3 hours, eat, fall back asleep immediately, and repeat about 3 times.  That's good enough for me!  I'm not feeling the tiredness that I felt the first time around, perhaps it's due to my being used to waking at night.  I've heard grandmas say that you won't get a good nights sleep until your kids are out of the house, and I'm sure that is true!  We've been trying to get Jax to sleep in his crib at night, but sometimes I bring him back into our bedroom (really because it's easier).......and I need to stop doing that!

I'll post some pics of his nursery tomorrow.  I realized I haven't taken any photos of his room and it's pretty cool!  Lucky little man!!

Happy hump day!!!