Travis coerced Jax to play "shoot the monsters" in his bedroom and off we went...sometimes the girls need a little alone time. Bella had to come too. I mean, she is one of the girls after-all. After being cooped up all winter LONG (emphasis on the long), it felt good to get out and do a little sight-seeing in the neighborhood. The ducks were swimming. Kids were playing. And we were strolling...
It was the first time that I felt like, wow, we are having a real life, big kid conversation. I'm all HERE. Marley looks free...she was happy to walk slowly with me. To stop to re-adjust Bella in her stroller. To race (mama cannot win)! I let her pick the paths we'd walk on and she stopped to sit on every big rock she laid eyes on. Then she asked if she could pick up some rocks to bring home for her brother...
We had a conversation about how we had slept on the floor of her bedroom the night before. It went something like this...
Me: Sleeping on the floor probably wasn't a good decision. I didn't sleep that well.
Mars: Yea...sleeping on the ground is not good. We should have stayed in the big bed.
Me: I know. But you didn't feel good and I didn't want to wake up Jax and Daddy.
Mars: Mama, that was my bad decision then. I'm sorry. I asked you to come sleep in my room with me.
Heart melts.
She just blows me away with how grown up she is. As much as I refer to her as my crazy little girl...because she is silly and funny and sometimes nuts...she is a cuddly little lover of a girl, who loves sunglasses and rainboots and lipgloss and her mama.....and Spider-man too.
Enough babbling...just thinking how last night was the perfect reminder to slow down and enjoy what you have. Slow. Down. Do it. You don't need to have your kids signed up for every activity known to man and race from place to place all day, every day. Stressful for you = stressful for your kids.
My mission this summer is to s l o w d o w n. What's yours??