Our very own Little Miss Sasha turned 1 on February 5th! We researched various dog breeds and decided we wanted a British Lab...smaller than the American Lab and a bit more muscular, with a stocky build. We found a breeder in Atwater, named Diamond J Brit Labs. They had a litter due last February and we were looking to take our new pup home in early Spring, so it worked out perfectly!
Sasha has been the best purchase (though I don't really consider her a purchase) we've ever made. She has brought so much happiness into our lives and both Trav and I often wonder what we would do without her. She is amazing! If you haven't had the chance to meet her, maybe you will soon! She loves hugs and kisses...and her favorite thing to do is to swim in the lake up at the cabin.
Happy belated birthday, Miss Sasha Thumper!
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