Friday, April 9, 2010


Hard to believe or comprehend the depths to which you'll love your children before you are a parent.  All I can say is that it is terribly overwhelming...loving this little human being more and more each day, and loving her more than you have ever loved anyone the very second she is born.  It's the most wonderful feeling in the world!  Someone posted a comment on Facebook the other day about being a parent and it said, "I knew I wanted you before I had you.  I loved you before we ever met.  I would die for you the second you came into this world."  So true!!

Marley does not cease to amaze us, make us smile, and literally, make life worth living each and every day.  She is growing and becoming more curious of the world around her.  Her crankiness has died down significantly and we are enjoying nights with a little less crying.  She still loves to stay up late though...maybe she gets this from her daddy.  Getting her to sleep before 9pm is a miracle!! 

Today is Friday...the end to my first week back at work full-time.  All in all, the week went well.  We were so busy at work that the time flew by and I was very occupied, which was nice.  But the thought of being away from Marley was a constant distraction.  She spent the week at home with Uncle Jesse, which has turned out to be a great relationship for the two of them.  I think they both have a lot of learning to do, in terms of getting to know each other, but I know that the bond they will build through this daycare/manny/etc situation will be priceless.  They've been enjoying many outdoor outings...especially walks around the lake, which Marley loves.  And Jesse is good at making sure she gets plenty of tummy time and playtime everyday, which is great for her too!  It was very hard to leave Marley at first, but I knew that we didn't have the option (not a chance) for me to be a stay-at-home mom.  So, off to work I go.  But I'm leaving her in good hands...and she is getting lots of 1 on 1 attention from her Uncle while in the comfort of her own home!  There is no one that will love her more than "family" this situation really is ideal! 

Other family to-do's...we're looking into getting Marley into some infant swim lessons.  Trying to prepare her to be a super water baby at the cabin this summer!  And I think we're going to get her ears pierced very soon.  Some would say it's too early, but my parents pierced my ears when I was teeny-tiny, so I may follow suit with Mars! 

We have about 10 size 1 diapers left and then she is OFFICIALLY on to size 2!!!  My little chub!
She is getting to be a little champ at holding her head steady, looking around, and pushing herself into a standing position!  I bet she's walking by 10 months!
Marley is obsessed with her tongue!!  Daddy always tries to "steal" her tongue and it makes her laugh!
Speaking of laugh...she's a noisy little thing.  Always smiling, coo-ing, well...or CRYING!!  Boo to colic!
She is FINALLY taking a bottle!!!  For the first week I was back at work, she starved herself.  Literally went 9+ hours without eating!

Marley and Momma have a busy weekend!  We are going to Michelle's wedding shower tomorrow in Mendota Heights and then we are going to have dinner with Auntie Angie!  Dream about the upcoming Bersie/Larson wedding!  Sunday is a big day!  We have a baby shower to go to that is for MARLEY!!  My dad's sisters are throwing us a belated baby shower and it will be everyone's first time meeting her!  Super excited for that.  We get to meet 2nd cousins Brinley and Jacey....and that will be the most exciting part!  Daddy is in Chicago for a bachelor party and we're missing him...but we have a lot to keep us busy!

Happy weekend to everyone!

Stevie and Marley

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