It's one of those days...maybe I should say it's been one of those weeks. Where every morning I am just so sad to leave Marley. She's so happy and smiley and cute and cuddly. I wish I could just stay home with her and bring her for walks and hug her...all that stuff. But instead I go to work, where the days seem especially long. I fly out of there at 5pm and just wait not so patiently for the 30 minute drive home to be over so I can see my baby again. I miss her. Every once in a while, it catches up to me.
How could you not miss this precious little girl?!?
Luckily the weekend is here! One more day of work...tick tock!
Happy Friday!
I SO sympathize. I'm already sad and I haven't even gone back to work yet. Life is too short to not be living it the way our hearts want to. Working is NOT the way I want to spend the baby years of my girls :( If only there was another way to still pay the bills...