Thursday, November 18, 2010

Comedy Central

Our baby girl is definitely keeping us LAUGHING and reminding us of all that is so good in our lives!  It's always nice to come home after a long day of work...her smiling face is usually waiting in the front picture window, where she sits on top of the couch, banging on the windows as she sees us coming up the sidewalk!  Love it!!!!!

Marley is all over the place...not quite walking, but standing on her own for brief periods of time, crawling (not on her knees, but up on her hands and feet), and talking up a storm!  No real words yet...other than da-da, ma-ma, hi, and what sounds to me like, "What's this?"  And the point, she puts her index finger out and points at EVERYTHING!!!!  She's growing and changing so much everyday!  Here is a list of the top 10 new things in the life of Miss Mars:

1.  Her top 2 teeth have cut through...bringing her to a total of 4 teeth!  So cute!

2.  She is OBSESSED with Sasha!  Hugging her, petting her, laying on top of name it!  Sasha doesn't seem to mind all of the attention and I envision a long future of fun of the 2 of them!

3.  Marley is a piggy.......eats everything in sight, and is not the least bit picky!  We haven't introduced her to a whole lot of meat yet, but she LOVES avocados, mushrooms, hummus, banana bread, green beans, red peppers, feta cheese.........yum!!!

4.  She is weighing in at just over 21lbs and is 30.5in tall.

5.  And yes, still rocking the BALD head!  Though she is getting a thicker coating of dark brown fuzz and her eyebrows have darkened significantly!

6.  Her favorite place to the kitchen!  So many fun things to pull out of the cupboards.  I think we may have a little drummer on our hands...she loves to sit in front of a row of pots and bang on them with a spatula!

7.  Her favorite place to home in her crib.  This girl is a picky sleeper and likes to be in her own bed!  She doesn't like to sleep in her pack n play or in other houses.  Home sweet home for Marley :)

8.  She's obsessed with shoes.........ok, so Mommy is obsessed with shoes, but Marley crawls off in to her room multiple times per day to pull all of her shoes out of her closet!  That must mean she likes them?!

9.  She gives THE BEST hugs and kisses..........a little slobbery, but so what!

10.  Countdown to her 1st Birthday!!!  Only 54 days away!  I can't believe it!

I'll post some pictures later tonight of Marley in action!  Life is crazy and busy and chaotic, but in the end, we know we are so blessed and lucky to have all that we have.  

Happy Thursday to all of you!

1 comment:

  1. Love hearing all the new things Marley is doing! Can you believe it will be a year already! I still remember that visit to your house shortly after we found about Rory. Ah the time it goes so fast. Glad to hear you are doing well and praying so much. I just said a few prayers myself over Rory's 2 month shots. Definitely pulls at a moms heartstrings as I remember you saying for Marley's. Take care and enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday!
