Monday, June 20, 2011

Guilty As Charged....

Being pregnant the second time around is certainly different…I’ve had an enormous amount of guilt lately.  Guilt about being too busy to make sure I’m eating as healthy as I did the first time around.  Guilt about getting far too little sleep each night.  Guilt about not taking the time to lay in bed and put my hands on my belly and daydream about this little peanut growing inside of me.  I remember being pregnant with Marley and driving in my car, having long conversations with her about what her daddy was like, where we lived, how excited we were to meet her…………..and that saddles me with even more guilt.  I haven’t taken the time to utter as much as a “hi baby” to this new little one.  This all probably sounds absurd, but it makes me sad!    

I was reminded of my guilt again today, as I walked out of Caribou this morning and had a plethora of strangers smile and say hello to me, glancing at my belly, holding doors open, etc.  And it made my day because, quite honestly, I’m feeling chubby and awkward lately……….but for some reason, the world just smiles at pregnant ladies.  Well, they smile at pregnant ladies because it really is such a beautiful thing, probably one of the most beautiful things.  And then I got in my car and my eyes welled up with tears and I felt sad and guilty…AGAIN, because the world is being extra nice to me, in my pregnant state, and here I am, too busy to even acknowledge the miracle going on inside of me.  Oh, the hormones……………they make any normal woman nutty.  Can anyone relate????

Plan of action…….start taking time (even just a little bit of time) to recognize little babe #2.  With my pregnancy nearing the ½ way mark, it’s time to “soak it all in” because, realistically, I may never be pregnant again (2 for sure, maybe 3)!  So, I’ll try to take a few moments each day to talk to this babe, leave time in my day to get to my Blooma Yoga DVD (which I love, by the way), and maybe hit up a class or two at their studio in Edina.  Let’s face it, I could use some relaxation/meditation and that would be the perfect escape for me, plus it would help with the early aches and pains I’m feeling, caused by my growing belly.

I hope everyone had a fabulous Father’s Day weekend.  We had a relaxing few days at home, which was nice considering we’ll be out of town the next 3 weekends.  A couple photos of the little Miss Marley, fully engaged in laughter and craziness with daddy this weekend:

And a few more of the Miss Marley enjoying her bathtime.......her face just makes me melt!  How did I get so lucky to have her in my life?????  

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