The good thing about being back to work is getting back to our normal routine. Term normal used very loosely. Something about 2 kids has really made me feel like a MOM. Getting outfits picked out the night before, remembering to thaw the breast milk for Jax’s bottles at daycare, setting the “delay brew” on my coffee pot (which I never did before), meal-planning/prepping like it’s my jobby job…….anything to make the next day go smoother. It does take a lot of organization, but it has helped immensely and kept me sane these last 3 weeks!! I've actually grown to love the feeling of Sunday. Not the "going to work tomorrow" part, but the " house is clean, my fridge is full, my week is planned" part!
Little Jax buddy, or Bubby, as we call him, is doing great! He’s adjusting to daycare and developing more of a schedule. He found his thumb while napping at daycare the other week and he couldn’t be happier!! When he gets tired, he starts chewing on his fists and soon enough, he gets that thumb! Go Jax!! And we have to keep an eye on this one….he has rolled over both ways already. Not consistently, but he’s capable of doing it. Just the other day at naptime, I watched him fuss in his crib while laying on his tummy. He rolled onto one shoulder and started scooting himself over with his leg. In a matter of 30 seconds he had rolled onto his back, found the thumb, and fell asleep! Little stinker!!
Marley is also doing great. She is so long and lean. Always on the go. And into everything! I remember going to a Jerry Seinfeld comedy act in Vegas with Travis about 4 years ago...Jerry started talking about his family and he said, "Yeah...we have a 2 year old at home. I recommend you NEVER get one of those!" I couldn't relate at the time, but now...oh man, do I get it!! Marley has learned to scale the walls of her crib, so she’s no longer held captive by that space! We’re having minor (sometimes major) discipline issues with her. We just haven’t quite figured out what is effective…time outs don’t seem to mean anything to her. In fact, I had her in a time-out this weekend (she kicked her brother) and I was explaining the reason afterwards. I told her that we don’t kick people, that we use our feet for jumping and running and such. And I told her that I expect that she be nice to her brother and that I expect that Jax be nice to her. And then I said, “You need to remember to listen to mommy because I’m the boss!” And she looked at me, pointed at her chest and said, “I BOSS!” And I said, “No, you are not the boss, mommy is the boss!” At which point she repeated, “No, I boss!” Officially have my hands full with that little devil!!! She is such a spit-fire!
To compare (because it's fun to ponder whether or not they look alike), here is a picture of Marley at 3 months and one of Jax at 3 months. So different, huh?!
Aside from the usual craziness that accompanies two kiddos, we're doing well. Getting over a house full of sickness, a bad cold that moved from Marley to me to Trav, and finally to Jax. I hate it when all of us get fun! We have a pretty low key weekend planned, thankfully. Catching up on some rest, dinner with girlfriends tonight, breakfast and 3 month photos of Jax baby at my sister's house on Sunday! Yay!! And we have even better things to look forward to in the coming months. We're less than 60 days away from Auntie Brenna's wedding in Naples, which means first flight for Jax and Marley's big debut as FLOWER GIRL!!! Can't wait!!
Hope you all have a fabulous weekend with your loved ones and ENJOY the beautiful sunshine-y weather!!
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Marley Jean |
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Jax Thomas |
Aside from the usual craziness that accompanies two kiddos, we're doing well. Getting over a house full of sickness, a bad cold that moved from Marley to me to Trav, and finally to Jax. I hate it when all of us get fun! We have a pretty low key weekend planned, thankfully. Catching up on some rest, dinner with girlfriends tonight, breakfast and 3 month photos of Jax baby at my sister's house on Sunday! Yay!! And we have even better things to look forward to in the coming months. We're less than 60 days away from Auntie Brenna's wedding in Naples, which means first flight for Jax and Marley's big debut as FLOWER GIRL!!! Can't wait!!
Hope you all have a fabulous weekend with your loved ones and ENJOY the beautiful sunshine-y weather!!
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