Saturday, January 26, 2013

3 Sweet Years!

The sweetest 3 years...

My sister took a few pictures of Marley today! We made the trip to her studio (it's amazing) and she captured the little miss just as she is a peek!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

21 Day Sugar Detox--Success!!!

I never thought I would actually be typing these words, but I DID IT!!!  I completed my first round (more on that later) of the 21 Day Sugar Detox.  And as Tony the Tiger said, “I feel grrrrrr-eat!”  Except he probably didn’t after eating those frosted flakes…just sayin’!

My journey with this whole gluten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free, Paleo lifestyle began shortly after my second baby was born.  He was having some issues with acid reflux and so I brought him to my chiropractor to see if we could “fix him”.  She suggested that I remove all gluten and dairy from my diet in an effort to heal my gut, in turn healing him (since I was breastfeeding).  At the time, I didn’t know enough about those lifestyle changes to even consider them.  And so I gave him the baby zantac that my doctor had prescribed.  Long story short, he grew out of his reflux and I kept researching/reading about gluten-free diets, Paleo, etc.  I read the Primal Blue Print, and what finally pushed me over the edge was a Christmas gift…a box with the most beautiful book ever, Practical Paleo by Diane Sanfilippo.  I read that book cover to cover over the next couple days.  I had post-its all over the pages.  It moved from my coffee table, to my kitchen counter, to my nightstand.  Never out of sight.  Gosh, I love that book!

After linking up with the Balanced Bites facebook page, I heard of the 21 Day Sugar Detox and my sister and I decided to dive in on January 1st.  I wasn’t so much looking for weight loss, but rather I wanted to feel better!  I was blaming my lack of energy on having 2 kids and a full-time job and a husband and a house to keep up.  I was eating like crap or not eating at all because it was “all I had time for”.  And I could feel it.  I felt lousy.  Tired.  Bloated.  Blah.

Five days in and I felt amazing.  Refreshed.  Energized.  And I stuck with it.  My sister and I gushed about how “easy” the recipes were because they involved so few ingredients.  For me, the success was due to careful planning as well.  Which turned out to be a blessing in disguise because I’ve been quite guilty of having “poor meal planning skills” ever since my life got so busy with babies!  I prepped each Sunday for the week ahead.  Made a meal plan, went to the grocery store, cut the veggies.  Not only did the 21 Days make my BODY feel great, my life feels less cluttered.  I have a grip on “feeding my family”, and that has been equally as satisfying. 

Other results…I began the 21 days already below my pre-pregnancy weight.  But I was “soft”…you know, the kind of soft that comes with the territory when you’ve had 2 kids.  The weight had come off, but I was a softer version of my old self.  And so I was happy to see that I lost about 4lbs on the detox.  More importantly, I lost 2 ½ inches off my waist, 3 ½ inches off my tummy (measured at my most problematic area, right below my belly button), and 3 inches off my hips.  What an added bonus!

So, thank you to the entire 21 Day Sugar Detox community!  I’m on my way to a healthier way of life (and my family too) and I couldn’t be happier!  And thank you to my sister for sticking to it with me...for being my motivation and for being someone that I had to be accountable to!  We did it!!!    

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Donut Shoppe Success!

Marley's party was a hit! Thank you to my sister for grabbing some pics of the birthday girl in all her glory! She was a happy little sugar crazed miss...and she LOVED her donut earrings! Oh, Claire's. You think of everything "cheesy"...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Happy Birthday, Mars!

My Marley Jean…
Today is your 3rd birthday and what a completely awesome 3 years these have been. Never before would I have thought that I would love a little human being as much as I love you. I have had more fun these last 3 years, watching you grow and learn and explore, than I have ever had in my whole life. I wonder where the time has gone…not all that long ago you were so small. Just a chubby little miss with a very bald head and a big ol’ smile! And suddenly you stretched out. You grew into a string bean, actually! That smile remained, complete with the most adorable dimple! As for your hair, we’re still waiting on that, aren’t we?!

But besides growing up physically, you have become this little person that I just wouldn’t in a million years have imagined. You are so outgoing. You have a personality as big as Texas! You know what you want, and you know the rules, and what you want is more important than those silly rules! So brave, and stubborn, and strong-willed. And FUNNY!! You are a true comedienne in the making! A spotlight seeker and one who loves to “put on a show” and entertain a group! The little lady with a million facial expressions. You earned your nickname girl……MARLEY MONSTER! Some days you are more than I can handle. But beneath all that sass lies a sweet girl. My baby girl. The one who still wants me to sing rock-a-bye baby before bed at night. The one who yells out her door, “I love you soooooo much.” The one that gives the best kisses and hugs and takes care of her Bella baby as if she were real. The one that is constantly asking me if we can do something and always follows it up by saying, “Won’t that be fun?” I love laying on our bellies in the big bed, talking about plans, listening to your stories, hearing you tell me about your friends and new things you learned. You are so smart, kiddo.

I love you for many reasons….because you make me smile, because you make me laugh, because you are MINE. But I also love you because I know you are growing into an independent brave young lady, and that’s what I want you to be. I know that you’ll stick up for people and speak your mind and blaze a trail. And I want that for you. I want you to go after all your dreams, no matter how big or small. And to do it will all of your heart. Keep being your inquisitive, silly, frog-chasing, dirt loving little self and you’ll go places, my dear. I love everything about you, exactly how you are at this very moment.

Happy Birthday, doll face! We’re going to have fun today! And this is going to be a great YEAR!! I just know it!
