Thursday, September 2, 2010

Full Speed Ahead...

Just a few weeks ago, Marley was just perfecting her crawling skills.  Now, she is trying to pull herself up on everything...even standing up on her own in her crib!  Time, if you hear me, please SLOW DOWN!!  Here are some pictures of the little munchkin...what kind of shenanigans will she get in to next?!

We've had a busy week, and tonight Marley had her first Minnesota State Fair experience.  For those of you that don't know, Travis and I have gone to the fair every year since we've been dating...and every year, I drag him (unwillingly) into the photo booth.  I save the photo strips, and write the dates on the back.  Point of my story being that we now have 7 strips of photos and it is so fun to look back and see all the changes!  Last year we were newly married and I was 20 weeks pregnant with Marley, and this year, we're a family of 3...and we had another little head to squeeze into our photo!  So much fun!  Marley was such a trooper.  We carried her in the Baby Bjorn and left the stroller at home.  She was so content to people watch and sample some of our food!  The barns were closed for cleaning while we were there (major bummer), so we just meandered around sampling lots of unhealthy deliciousness!  Trav's first stop...the footlong hot dog stand.  I hit up the Salty Tart, where I got a Peaches & Cream parfait...sauteed peaches layered with a vanilla soft serve/Greek yogurt mixture, topped with organic ginger snaps!  Yum!  Marley loved the peaches and ice cream!  Then it was on to cheese curds and Sweet Martha's, a MUST at the State Fair every year!   Finally, we sampled a Pronto Pup and a Gizmo (one of Trav's favorites), and then tried the Australian Battered Potatoes on our way out.  Delish!  I skipped the Cotton Candy this year and am having a bit of remorse about doing so!  Here are some pics of our trip to the fair...

We're off to the cabin tomorrow!  Three days of relaxation and cool weather!  I'm actually excited for fall.  Is that sad?!  I love sweatshirt/track jacket weather!  Hoping that you all have a happy and safe holiday weekend!  Bring on September!!


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