Monday, September 6, 2010

Look who's talking...

Da da da da da!  Miss Marley is just a chatterbox!  I'm pretty sure that she doesn't KNOW she is saying dada...but it sure sounds like daddy, and I keep pointing to Trav when she says it!  I think she's beginning to make the connection!  Such a sweetheart!  She loves yelling (and gets louder if we aren't paying attention) and putting her hand over her mouth to make her voice sound differently!  I have a feeling we are going to have our hands full with this little lady!

She's had a busy month, with so many changes and milestones!  Tooth #2 has made it's appearance.  So now we have the bottom (middle) two teeth!  It just broke through in the last day or so and she was just drooling puddles in the days leading up to it.  

Other news...and this is such a "melt-your-heart" moment...I was putting Marley to bed tonight, reading her the Nighttime Prayer Book and sitting in her rocking chair.  After the book was finished, I turned her towards me and she was chattering a little bit and looking right at me with a big smile.  I kissed her little lips (like I do about a million times a day), and I said, "Kisses!"  And she looked back at me, and leaned in to smooch me again!!  And again, I said, "Kisses!"  She kept smiling and leaning in for more!  Of course, these weren't clean little kisses...these were Marley-drooling-open mouth-slobbery kind of kisses, but so PRECIOUS nonetheless!  I was just beaming...she is growing so much, physically and emotionally!  And this was her first real display of affection!  Oh, how I heart her!!!!

It's time to get some sleep!  I just finished 7 loads of laundry (ick) and am not looking foward to heading back to work in the morning!  Already looking forward to the weekend and am so happy it's a short week!

I hope everyone had a HAPPY holiday weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! You don't know me, but I happen to see your comment on Joyfolie's blog re the sock she had on Mia with the Lexi boots. I really liked them too, so I've been looking for them and I found legwarmers at Baby Gap this morning that are quite comparable. Thought you'd like to know. :)
