Monday, August 24, 2009

20 Weeks Down...20 To Go!

We've reached the mid-point of my pregnancy! Hard to believe that in 20 short weeks our little girl will be here and we will have a BABY living in our house! We're so excited, but there seems to be so much to accomplish before her arrival. Plus, the holidays are going to take up a big chunk of time during my last trimester. I know that January is going to be here before we know it! Bedding and color selections have been made for the nursery! I'm guessing we'll have to make our FIRST trip to Babies R Us one of these weekends to start deciding on a crib and other furniture for her room. Ahhh...all the fun! It will be an exciting couple of months! One huge thing that is out of the way (at least we're 98% sure) is the name selection! We've named our little girl and are just going to stay hush hush about it until she's born, in case we decide to change our minds! I think Trav and I have been talking about baby names since we were in the early stages of dating, and out of all the options we've toyed with, we went back to our original favorite! Can't wait! The pregnancy has been a breeze thus far, knock on wood. No morning sickness or nausea. I was SUPER tired during the first trimester, and now I feel great. I have some energy back, but am dealing with other my growing belly and the fact that I can't seem to eat enough! My tummy growls, literally, every 2 hours! And my blood pressure has been very low, like dangerously low, so I need to be sure to keep food in my tummy or I get light-headed. It just seems like a lot of eating. I've gained about 9lbs thus far, which is healthy and on track for "normal" pregnancy weight gain. The baby has started to be more active, or I should say that I'm now aware of her movements. I feel her move at various times throughout the day, usually after I eat and definitely when I lay down to go to bed at night! It's such a reassuring feeling! We'll continue to keep everyone posted on all the new developments!

Wishing everyone a very happy end to their summer!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

It's a GIRL!!!!

Travis and I had our first ultrasound on Thursday, August 20th and we found out that we're expecting a baby girl!!!! We are so excited, but even more happy that Baby Severson was happy and healthy, according to the doctors! I didn't sleep for 2 nights prior to the ultrasound because I was so nervous. But all of my prayers were answered and our little girl was flipping around in there, punching her little hands, yawning, and kicking! Thank God!!

Now I'm turning my focus to planning the nursery...while Trav continues to finish projects around the house. The painting is done and now it's on to the landscaping in the front yard. As soon as that is completed, we're re-roofing the house, and then Trav will tackle the bathroom! This is the most exciting of all the projects!! I'm thrilled at the thought of having a new bathroom in a month or two! Ahhhh! I'll post some pics of our baby girl and my growing tummy (I can feel her moving around in there already) for all of you to check out! We'll be ending our summer with an RV trip to Grand Marais...4-5 days of hiking, relaxing, and shopping in the town! Angry Trout, here I come!!