Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bubbling Over...

Marley's personality has literally come to life in the last 2 weeks or so...and she is just overwhelming us (in a good way) with attitude, sass, giggles, SMILES, and so much more!  She has definitely become more independent, but along with that, she's developed a bit of the "where's mommy" sydrome!  Hehe!  When Trav walks in the door from work, I hand her off to him so they can have some cuddle time.  She is immediately looking around to see where I am going, sometimes even making concerned faces and whining until I reappear!  It's something that I'm sure I'll get sick of in later months, but for now I am loving the fact that she's really recognizing me as her mommy and showing me that she needs me!  Love, love, love that feeling!

Aside from the emergence of personality, Marley is ON THE MOVE!!  She started out slow...crawling/scooting across the floor at a snails pace.  Now, she's crawling all over the place, even away from me (as she giggles)...I can foresee that this will not be the only time I'm left chasing after her!  Ahhh, just a small taste of what's to come!  She's obsessed with cords, toys that aren't really toys (the remote control, cell phones, paper towels), and Sasha!  Needless to say, our weekend project involves baby-proofing the house because we have a very dangerous fire place and a glass top coffee table that I've been dying to get rid of for 2 years!  So, it won't be all bad!  Adios coffee table, hello oversized fabric covered ottoman!

Marley and Nama (my mom) at her baptism!

We're looking forward to the weekend...lots of fun stuff planned, and one week closer to Labor Day and another trip to the cabin!  Maybe our last time up there before Christmas!  Gosh, it sounds crazy to say that.  The fact of the matter is that we have so much going on over the course of the next 2 months that Thanksgiving will be here in the blink of an eye.  Don't want to think about that!  Yikes!

Here's what we're looking forward to this weekend:
1.  Marley's 8 month photo shoot @ the Arboretum with Casey!  Yay!
2.  Lesley's 30th Birthday party on Saturday night!
3.  Finalizing plans for our "romantic" getaway in mid-September!  We are in need of a mini vacation without the babe (even though we'll miss her)!

Appearance of the first tooth!

Good night everyone!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Marley Celebrates 7 Months!

Our little peanut butter turned 7 months old last week and as I've been doing since she was born, I captured the milestone on camera (with the babe modeling a diaper so we can see how she's grown)!!!  Here she is:

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hello God!

Marley Jean Severson was baptized today, at the Chapel of the Good Shepherd on the campus of Shattuck-St. Mary's.  Father Doyle performed the ceremony, a dear friend of our family.  What a big day for our little girl...officially becoming a Child of God!  It was so sweet to watch Father Doyle pour the holy water over Marley's head, and she didn't make a peep!  Many of our family members were present to witness Marley's baptism, and her Godparents, Neal and Angie (the soon-to-be Larson's) were by her side!  What great role models they will be for Marley as she grows and learns more about God, being Christian, and her faith! 

What a lucky lady Marley is...she had so many loving family members with her today and got a number of wonderful gifts!  Money for her savings account, beautiful artwork for her room, a number of fun books, and some great new clothes!  One of our faves...a "Night Night Prayer" book from Angie and Neal.  We already have incorporated the book into our bedtime routine, right after bathtime and feeding!  Marley LOVED the book and when I read her certain parts, which always ended with, "Say night night to the puppy (for example)," she would pat the puppy in the book!  Smartie pants!

Here are some pictures from today...

Our Family

The Grandparents

Marley with her Godparents

Me and Travis with Neal and Ang...and baby Marley

Marley and Auntie


Our beautiful baby girl!

Yummy cake!

Daddy gets to cut the cake :)

Just a little taste of frosting on her baptism day!


Friday, August 13, 2010

First Signs of a Toofer & Miss Mars Loves...

Yes...we have a breakthrough!  A tooth!  One of Marley's bottom teeth broke through yesterday, detected by Daddy!  She's been a little fussy and rosy in the face, but other than that, we're good!  Can't wait to see what her smile looks like with a sprinkling of teeth in that cute little mouth of hers!


1.  Daddy's silly faces...he gets her laughing all the time!
2.  Sasha!  She's obsessed with her puppy!
3.  Her pink, black, and white Minnie Mouse stuffed animal from Nama.
4.  Sweet potatoes, yum!
5.  And prunes!
6.  Bathtime...she's quite the swimmer!
7.  Her lovey, a gift from Auntie Heidi!
8.  Ice water in her sippy cup...she can pick the cup up by herself already!
9.  Milky, duh?!  When she sees me walk in the door from work, she starts making these noises like she knows mommy is home with food!  It's quite comical!
10.  Kisses on her tummy...makes her giggle!

It's just nice to remember (or have it written down because God knows I won't remember) what Marley was all about at the different stages of her life. 


Sunday, August 8, 2010


I am probably going to sound crazy...going from comparing my life to a circus one week (which I still say is accurate) to being incredibly THANKFUL for all that I have, chaos and all, the next week.  I've just had the opportunity lately to really put things into perspective and I am really fortunate to have what I have...a wonderful husband who only drives me crazy some of the time, a loyal and loving pup, a house that is not perfect but doesn't need to be, and most importantly, a healthy baby girl who is truly a miracle!  There have been many times in the last week that have reminded me how lucky I am. 

I've said it before and I'll say it a million times again...Marley is such a blessing!  She is almost 7 months old now and is just coming alive with personality!  Part sassy and part sweetheart, she is more of a little comedian than she is a cuddler!  She's my little sound machine...discovering new noises each day!  We ran into Brainerd on Saturday when we were up at the cabin and as I carried her around Fleet Farm (yes, you read that right...we were looking for a new boat cover) she was making blowing noises with her tongue and lips and literally spitting on people as we passed by them in aisles!  Such a silly girl!

This weekend, she made my heart melt when, for the first time, she put her arms out to me to pick her up!  She was sitting on the floor at the cabin and I had just changed her diaper.  Surrounded by toys, she looked up at me and extended her little arms!  So sweet!  I put my arms out to her and she pulled herself in really close to my chest....I about died!  Such a small little gesture, but it's just one more way in which Marley is getting more independent and more aware of who Mommy and Daddy are!

Next up for Marley...crawling!  She's crawling in her own special way.  Kind of rocking and scooting herself around, pushing herself up into the downward dog yoga pose, and then propelling herself forward!  It's so much fun to watch!

Monday tomorrow................BOO!  Things I'm looking forward to:

1.  Angie's Bridal Shower on Friday night!  Her first shower, it's official!  The wedding is underway!

2.  Marley's baptism on Sunday! 

3.  Yoga @ CorePower this week.....pure relaxation!  Afterwards I always feel focused and happy!

Wishing everyone a wonderful week!


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Have I Joined the Circus?!?!

I think so....!!  Have any other momma's out there ever felt like you were in a middle of a circus ring, with a bazillion things going on around you...all of those things vying for a bit of your attention?  And you know some of the "acts" are much more important than others and that there is just not enough time in the day to see it all?!  Such is my life as of late!  The dynamics in our household have shifted tremendously since the arrival of little Marley, and I am constantly trying to juggle everything...trying to find balance in my day and with those that I love.  Some days, I know I've let things fall to the husband, Miss Sasha, etc.  On those days, I feel as though there is just not enough hours in the day to get to it work my full-time job, to tend to Marley after work, to get her through her bedtime routine, to tidy up the house, make dinner, possibly squeeze a workout in, and MAYBE relax for a moment or two! 

Not trying to air our dirty laundry, but Trav and I recently had an argument centered around this very issue.  His side:  I have pushed him to the back-burner, along with Sasha, and don't spend any time trying to do things for them.  I need to do something nice for my husband and not be so wrapped up in Marley 24/hrs a day.  Ok...that's all fine and dandy, and I agree with most of it, but...My side:  He will never know/understand the love a mother has for her baby.  I can't explain it, but it's different than how he loves her, though I know he loves her very much.  I'm spread too thin already and in an effort to prioritize certain things (ie: care of Marley being #1) I lose sight of other things...So what's the answer?  Trav seems to think that we are the only couple in AMERICA experiencing this struggle, which I highly doubt!  One of the married ladies that I work with said, "Husband, kids, house, will be a balancing act your entire life.  Something is always moving front and center while something else is neglected, and if you ever figure it out, let me know!"  Reassuring! 

Any suggestions?  Any tips that have helped you maintain balance in your home?  Or are we really the only hubby/wife duo that deals with this insanity?!  Whew!

On that note...we've had a couple lazy weekends at home and are heading up to the cabin this weekend for some sun (hopefully) and fun on the lake!  Travis got a new 4-Wheeler which he is excited to bring up and play around with, and I am just plain excited to get out of my house for a weekend!

Next weekend I will be heading to a bridal shower for Angie given by the Severson aunts.  Her wedding is getting into full-swing here and I'm so excited for all the fun that will take place over the next 2 months!  On Sunday, August 15th, Marley is getting baptized at the Shattuck-St. Mary's Chapel in Faribault by Father him!  What an important day for Miss Mars!  She will be wearing her cousin's (Ava) christening gown and it's gorgeous!  I love the idea that is was handed down and I think my sister and I will start a tradition of passing it down (and back and forth) between our kids!

Well...I've enjoyed my cup of coffee and now it's time to get ready for work!  I can hear Marley chattering on her monitor!  Let the CIRCUS begin!
