Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Monday, Monday...

Hip, hip, hooray for short work weeks!  That is how I feel on this, otherwise sunny, fall Monday morning.  Nothing wrong with today, but I hate Mondays.  And even more than Mondays, I hate Sunday nights…because it’s just a quarter of a day that you spend DREADING the coming morning.  For me, anyway!  The flurry of activity that makes up Sundays in our house; cleaning, cooking, LAUNDRY, grocery shopping………it always leaves me feeling exhausted.  I’m sure I’m not the only person that feels this way, so I’ll quit complaining!

This week, Travis and I both have Friday off!  We’ve planned a mini get-away before baby arrives……please, save your laughter.  This ain’t no FANCY BABYMOON or anything!  Trust me, as much as I’d love to head to some tropical locale, lay on the beach, soak up the rays (I’m salivating at the thought)……I’d much rather do all of the above when I’m not looking like a pale beached whale.  I mean, really, how fun can it be to go on an all-inclusive vacation when all you have to look forward to is sipping ice water in your tankini and BEDTIME?!  No thanks!  I’ll save my money for a glorious trip next year, just me and the hubs, when I can actually reach my legs well enough to shave them!!  Soooooooo, our destination is Ely!  A return to where we got engaged, a bit of hiking and sight-seeing, relaxing, sleeping in (that’s about 8:30am for me) and even sillier, a trip to the local movie theater!  Sad, but true, we have not been to the theater to see a movie since before Marley was born.  I’m telling you, it really is the SMALL joys that get me excited these days!  Hehe!  I think Travis is just looking forward to the fact that I’ll be forced to make it through the entire movie, vs. pulling my usual routine, asleep 30 minutes in, whenever we watch movies at home!  In any case, the trip is going to be just what we need……I love doing outdoorsy things, and the fall colors should be beautiful!  It will be nice to get some fresh air and have a chance to hang out with Travis!  Life has been crazy-busy lately and it’s time to slow down!

Other quick updates……I DID pass my 3 hour glucose test!  And Marley had a blast in her new swimming class at the YMCA on Saturday!  She was all giggles in the pool with Travis and the other kiddos!

Happy Monday!  Here’s to hoping your week zooms by!!

Friday, September 16, 2011


Last Thursday, I treated myself to an hour long massage at Blooma and it was just what I needed!  The lower back pain I’ve been experiencing has been significantly better, and I actually learned a lot about what could be causing it in my massage session.  I floated out of there with some tips/tricks for easing the pain at home and during the workday and hopefully things will improve!  Fingers crossed!

On that note.......Blooma………ahhhhh-mazing!  Just love that place!  A cute little yoga studio, specializing in prenatal yoga, childbirth education, massage/acupuncture…it’s heavenly!  If I could get to a yoga class EVERYDAY, I gladly would!  And there is something about all of the women that work there…this great energy and peacefulness just oozes out of that place!  Not to mention it’s fun being surrounded by a bunch of pregnant mamas with cute, big ol’ bellies!  Anyhoo…..it’s one of my favorite things lately!  I’ve been trying to get there for class once a week, but it’s not always easy having a little one at home.  Thankfully, they also have a Blooma Yoga DVD, which is (almost) equally as relaxing as being in their studio.  Definitely a MUST for all pregnant mamas!

I also had my doctor appointment on Thursday, which included my glucose screen.  The nurse called me on Monday to request that I come in for the 3 hour test (which I had today)...not good!  During the appointment, the doctor asked me if baby’s daddy is tall, because she said I have a LONG baby in there!  As if I haven’t already felt him filling up my belly.  I have no idea where he will continue to grow!  As we speak, he is pummeling my left rib cage with hard kicks, the kind that take your breath away for a second.  Thanks little buddy!  He is HEAD DOWN and I know he can still flip and turn, but I really hope he settles into the head down position and stays there, unlike his big sis!  Still on a mission to have a VBAC and that head down position is going to be essential to making that happen!  And thankfully, everything else continues to go well in pregnancy land.  I still can’t believe how close it is…….about 10 short more weeks!  Yikes!

The most exciting news……our basement remodel is officially underway.  The basement is completely cleared out of all junk (we did some major purging), and the first load of lumber was delivered Friday so that Travis can start framing.  He put in all new glass block windows last week and completely gutted the bathroom down there, so we are on our way!!  I cannot wait to have all of that new space to “live in”!!  Finally, I will have an actual laundry/utility room, a big ol’ family room for all of us to hang out in, a kids play room (yay……so excited to decorate this space), and Trav will have his theater!  All but the theater are slated to be complete by the end of November, when baby arrives!  The theater and the stadium-style seating that Travis has envisioned will take a bit more time and planning and he wants it to be perfect………he even bought one of those marquee signs off of Craigslist (with the flashing light bulbs all around it) that he plans to hang a customized “Severson’s Theater” poster in.  You can actually have those made, trust me, he’s done a lot of research on this!!  Ha!

Needless to say, between the remodel and getting the nursery all squared away (and the other little projects that are on my to-do list), our house is going to be hectic!  My twice a month doctor appointments start at the end of this month, and this weekend already our Miss Mars starts her second round of swimming lessons at the Southdale YMCA.  We’re stretching ourselves a little thin these last few months, but such is life with kiddos, right?!  In just a short time, I will be soaking up some serious baby love from my little man and preparing for the holidays!  CAN’T.  WAIT!!

A couple of my favorite photos from our trip up north over Labor Day...

And a bunch of photos captured in the car, Marley is the Queen of 100 silly faces...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Adios Summer!

Goodbye to Summer…though this year, I can’t say that I’m sad to see it end.  We were so busy that we barely had a chance to enjoy all that is good about the summer months…the warm weather, long weekends at the lake, lazy Sundays spent at the pool.  Travis spent the last few months working VERY long days, and nights, and weekends…..you get the point.  As for me, I’ve been so exhausted…working full-time, being pregnant, chasing after a toddler in any of my spare time (while said hubby works).  This summer has been a whirlwind, but not one that was jam packed with fun, summer stuff.  And I definitely FEEL for single momma’s.  You know, when your better half is away, you kind of get a taste of what it would be like, raising kids on your own, holding down the “fort”, so to speak…it’s not easy!! 

In sight is a pleasant end to August, a long weekend at the cabin!  The weather looks as though it will be cool, but it makes me happy to think there might be the possibility of a late night bon-fire, sweatshirts, and s’mores!  Yum!!  Fall is one of my favorite times of the year and I’m welcoming it, along with the return of my husband, with open arms :)

On Tuesday night we ventured out to the great Minnesota Get-Together!  Love the State Fair……I grew up going to the Fair every year as a kid, and this will be our 8th year of going together as a couple.  I’ve mentioned this before, but I drag Travis into the photo booth every year.  It’s fun to see the 7 strips of photo booth pics and all the changes that have happened in those 7 years.  A few years ago I was flashing an engagement ring, then a baby bump, and last year, Marley made her debut in her first set of pictures!  The booth was cozier than ever this year, with the 3 of us + my bump…….and next year, well, we’ll be that family of 4 packing into that darn photo booth!  Can’t wait!!

Aside from the 1 hour drive to the fair (ugh…traffic is the death of me), we had a blast!  We trooped through the fairgrounds for about 3 hours in the misty rain.  Bonus to the rain and colder temps were light crowds!  The buildings were all pretty empty and the lines at the food stands were non-existent.  We made our usual stops…Cotton Candy, Salted Nut Rolls (you CANNOT leave the fair without one of these), Mini Donuts, and Sweet Martha’s!  Something about this pregnancy has me craving chocolate chip cookies like a mad woman, and I’m not normally a fan!!  Marley couldn’t keep her hands out of the cookie bucket either!  Just like her daddy! 

We also shared a turkey sandwich (delish) and mac-n-cheese bites, which were Marley’s favorites, well…aside from the glass of chocolate milk she chugged at the milk stand!  She is just so much fun………doing her “hands in the air” dance as we passed booths with loud music, whipping her glow sticks around like she was at a rave (and trying to stick them up her nose), petting the baby piggies in the Miracle of Birth building.  And she’s such a social butterfly, waving and saying hi to EVERYONE, which is kind of embarrassing at a place like the State Fair where there are strangers everywhere for her to wave at!

Can’t believe that in 12 short weeks we’ll be meeting this little dude!!  Lots to do to prepare for his arrival...and we need to name him (most importantly)!  Picking names is SO HARD!!  We have a short list of names we love, but haven't committed to anything quite yet!  Time will tell!!

Happy Labor Day Weekend!!