Friday, February 1, 2013

Happy Friday!

Happy 2013…it’s February…already.  Where does the time go?  I mean, am I the only one that still feels like I’m 20??  Well, except for the house and kids and job and husband and all that other “grown-up” stuff.  Seems like yesterday that I was sitting at college with friends, deciding which happy hour we should hit up for free dinner.  Oh Lord, I do not miss those days.  The freedom, maybe.  But not all that unknown.  Not all the mistakes I made.  It’s good to be grounded.  To have roots.  To realize that everything in life worth living for requires time and attention and love.  And to realize too, that life is often hard.  Relationships are hard.  But that life is oh so much more fun when you’ve filled your “space” with family and good friends and keeping them close is WORTH the work, every ounce of it!

Ok, that is my rant for the day.  Just thinking about how life gets busy and schedules get hectic and people see each other less frequently.  It’s easy to have guilt over that.  I’m trying to let go of that guilt…..and to realize that however/whenever/wherever my girlfriends and I can squeeze in some time, it’ll be good and we’ll pick up where we left off.  Sounds cheesy, but it literally makes my heart happy just to see their faces!  Most of them have babies now, or are pregnant….and they “get it”.  This busy mom thing.  And as much as I love my babies, I do enjoy a night away with the girls, laughing over our stupid husbands (ok, they’re not stupid…but any woman with a husband knows what I’m talking about), mindless chit chat about kids, yoga pants, GOSSIP…all that good stuff!  So, cheers to friends!!!  And lots of love to my gal pals…I love you all!

Anyhoo, not really sure what my “point” was.  I write to write.  And today is Friday and I’m happy and I’ve had 2 cups of coffee.  AND I get a date night with my husband.  So it’s a good day!  And yeah, that mess my kids made last night in the living room.  The dust storm of soot and ashes (picture below)…

...well, I got it all picked up and we’re back in business.  When I say “I” got it all picked up, I mean that I put the kids to bed and poured myself a big glass of wine and stood looking at the mess and before long, Travis came home from work and cleaned up the mess with the shop-vac.  It is HIS shop-vac after all.  Our carpet was already gross.  I’d like to rip it out and start over.  But for now, I’ll just take a deep breath, smooch my babies and not care about my stained carpet because they don’t know it’s not perfect!  And if you happen to come to my house, don’t judge me.  It’s not clean like it used to be.  We have messy floors, smudges on all the appliances, crusted chunks of soggy cracker stuck on cupboard doors, crayon artwork on the walls, and a dining room table that has been well-loved by many a banging fork and spoon.  The laundry is often in piles on the floor and the windows are filled with tiny hand-prints.  And wet nose prints from Sasha.  Yeah, because this is how they all wait for daddy to come home each night...

We also have endless laughter, the sound of feet pounding through the kitchen, our own steel-drum band courtesy of some old pots and pans, booty shaking dance parties, wet kisses from babies that need us for everything.  The trade off is good.  Very good, indeed.  Because I get to see these faces each day. 

Can you believe they made that mess???
And so……a VERY HAPPY WEEKEND to all of you!  We have a fun one planned.  Date night tonight!  Skating with the kiddos tomorrow and lunch at Pizza Lola.  Super Bowl!  Then maybe I’ll work at cleaning up the house a bit.  Maybe… :)